
from The Century Dictionary.

  • In an over-fond manner; with excessive fondness.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adverb With excessive fondness.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

overfond +‎ -ly


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  • Three more days the Arla spent on the coast, and three more nights the skipper and the mate drank overfondly of cold tea, leaving Bertie to keep the watch.


  • Guardastagno (forgetting the lawes of respect and loyall friendship) became overfondly enamoured, expressing the same by such outward meanes, that the Lady her selfe tooke knowledge thereof, and not with any dislike, as it seemed, but rather lovingly entertained; yet she grew not so forgetfull of her honour and estimation, as the other did of faith to his friend.

    The Decameron 2004

  • Three more days the Arla spent on the coast, and three more nights the skipper and the mate drank overfondly of cold tea, leaving Bertie to keep the watch.

    The Terrible Solomons 1911

  • Three more days the _Arla_ spent on the coast, and three more nights the skipper and the mate drank overfondly of cold tea, leaving Bertie to keep watch.

    Great Sea Stories Various 1897

  • Three more days the Arla spent on the coast, and three more nights the skipper and the mate drank overfondly of cold tea, leaving Bertie to keep the watch.

    South Sea Tales Jack London 1896


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