
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun A member of the same pack (social group).


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

pack +‎ mate


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  • When it heard the struggles of its packmate, it swam toward Rytlock.

    GuildWars Edge of Destiny J. Robert King 2011

  • Will was one of my gruffer cousins, quick with the sarcasm and quicker to attack if a packmate was threatened.

    The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf Molly Harper 2011

  • When it heard the struggles of its packmate, it swam toward Rytlock.

    GuildWars Edge of Destiny J. Robert King 2011

  • When it heard the struggles of its packmate, it swam toward Rytlock.

    GuildWars Edge of Destiny J. Robert King 2011

  • Will was one of my gruffer cousins, quick with the sarcasm and quicker to attack if a packmate was threatened.

    The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf Molly Harper 2011

  • When it heard the struggles of its packmate, it swam toward Rytlock.

    GuildWars Edge of Destiny J. Robert King 2011

  • Find one that you can communicate with and hunt with it as you would with a packmate.

    Promise of the Wolves Dorothy Hearst 2008

  • If any one wolf did not do his or her share, the bear could easily kill or injure a packmate.

    Promise of the Wolves Dorothy Hearst 2008

  • They greeted each other as a wolf will greet a packmate he has not seen for a long time.

    Promise of the Wolves Dorothy Hearst 2008

  • I began to leap to greet her as I would a packmate, but she drew back, afraid of me again.

    Promise of the Wolves Dorothy Hearst 2008


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