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  • His children have never known how it was, for I've al'ays made 'em think he was a hard worker an 'painstakin' to keep back his laziness from croppin 'out in 'em, if I could.

    The Miller of Old Church 1911

  • His children have never known how it was, for I've al'ays made 'em think he was a hard worker an 'painstakin' to keep back his laziness from croppin 'out in 'em, if I could. "

    The Miller Of Old Church Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow 1909

  • I'm a hard-workin ', painstakin' feller of my age, but I ain't as young as I used to be, and I'm human and not a walkin 'steam-engyne.

    Mary-'Gusta Joseph Crosby Lincoln 1907

  • But if we do it will be by blind fool-hog luck and not by painstakin 'search.

    Copper Streak Trail Eugene Manlove Rhodes 1901

  • She ain't as quick as you was, an 'don't read as many books, but she's keerful an' painstakin ', an' always tries to do what's right.

    The House Behind the Cedars 1900

  • Our Mr. Moorshed done his painstakin 'best -- it's his first command of a war-canoe, matoor age nineteen (down that alleyway, please!) but be that as it may, His Holiness Frankie is aware of us crabbin' ourselves round the breakwater at five knots, an 'steerin' _pari passu_, as the French say.

    Traffics and Discoveries Rudyard Kipling 1900

  • She ain't as quick as you was, an 'don't read as many books, but she's keerful an' painstakin ', an' always tries to do what's right.

    The House Behind the Cedars 1895

  • I've met up with a heap of camps in my day; an 'I've witnessed the work of many a vig'lance committee; but I'm yere to state that for painstakin' ardour an 'a energy that never sleeps, the Stranglers of Yellow City is a even break with the best.

    Wolfville Nights Alfred Henry Lewis 1885


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