
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Plural form of pakol.


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  • Turbans, qaraquls, and pakols, made famous by Ahmad Massoud during the Soviet-Afghan War, were everywhere.

    A Nightmare’s Prayer Michael Franzak 2010

  • On their heads were either flat woolen Afghan pakols or ball caps.

    Imperial Grunts 2005

  • On their heads were either flat woolen Afghan pakols or ball caps.

    Imperial Grunts 2005

  • They sat and smoked atop tanks, dressed in their fatigues and ubiquitous pakols.

    A Thousand Splendid Suns Hosseini, Khaled 2007

  • The Baluch are identified by their grandiose white turbans, the Pashtoons from southern Afghanistan by smaller, darker ones, and the Pashtoons from northern Afghanistan by flat woolen caps called pakols.

    The Lawless Frontier 2000

  • The Baluch are identified by their grandiose white turbans, the Pashtoons from southern Afghanistan by smaller, darker ones, and the Pashtoons from northern Afghanistan by flat woolen caps called pakols.

    The Lawless Frontier 2000

  • The Baluch are identified by their grandiose white turbans, the Pashtoons from southern Afghanistan by smaller, darker ones, and the Pashtoons from northern Afghanistan by flat woolen caps called pakols.

    The Lawless Frontier 2000

  • Draw some wearing shalwar kamiz with turbans, patoos or pakols.

    IndieQuill Amrita 2010

  • Hazaras, Nuristanisshalwar kamiz, patoos, pakols and women look like? "

    IndieQuill Amrita 2010


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