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  • Once on the bus Olga had called Oscar a cake eater, and he'd almost said, Look who's talking, puerca, but he was afraid that she would rear back and trample him; his cool-index, already low, couldn't have survived that kind of paliza, would have put him on par with the handicapped kids and with Joe Locorotundo, who was famous for masturbating in public.

    Heraclitean Fire 2009

  • Español · Qatar, Dubai: Respondiendo a la “paliza” de los medios británicos

    Global Voices in English » Qatar, Dubai: Responding To British Media “Bashing” 2009

  • Una paliza (a thrashing with a stick) = Traer = (to bring).

    Pitman's Commercial Spanish Grammar (2nd ed.) C. A. Toledano

  • 20 Luego [94-3] acabarás de lavarte, que bien lo necesitas, y puede que entonces te juzgue merecedora de algo mejor que la paliza diaria con que te demuestro mi cariño.

    Novelas Cortas Pedro Antonio de Alarc��n 1862

  • 30 En seguida los soldados me dieron una paliza con las baquetas de los fusiles.

    Novelas Cortas Pedro Antonio de Alarc��n 1862


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