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  • Th 'parsen's well enow i' his way, but, "in naïve self-satisfaction," I mun say he's a foo ', and th' biggest foo 'fur his size I ivver had th' pleasure o 'seein'. "

    That Lass o' Lowrie's: A Lancashire Story 1877

  • Since that affair, I have bin goin 'about "doin' good, "frightnin 'the wicked into fits, and follerin' in the steps of the parsen, and thus working my way out of Purgatory.

    Strange Visitors Henry J. Horn

  • I should na wonder if it's 'pull devil, pull baker,' wi 'th' best o 'foak – foak as is na prize foo's, loike th' owd parsen.

    That Lass o' Lowrie's: A Lancashire Story 1877

  • I dunnot know wheer she getten her head-fillin 'fro', unless she robbed th 'owd parsen an' left his nob standin 'empty.

    That Lass o' Lowrie's: A Lancashire Story 1877

  • Now theer's th 'owd parsen, he's getten a lot o' Bible words as he uses, an 'he brings 'em in by the scruft o' th 'neck, if he canna do no better – fur bring 'em in he mun – an' it looks loike he's aw i 'a fever till he's said 'em an' getten 'em off his moind.

    That Lass o' Lowrie's: A Lancashire Story 1877

  • These young fellows wanted to hear him talk, and "tak 'off th' parsen."

    That Lass o' Lowrie's: A Lancashire Story 1877

  • Sithee here, lads, "making a fist of his knotty old hand and laying it upon the table," that theer's what stirs me up wi th 'parsen kind.

    That Lass o' Lowrie's: A Lancashire Story 1877


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