
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • adjective Anthropology Of or relating to residence with a husband's kin group or clan.
  • adjective Zoology Of or relating to the tendency of females to leave their natal group and reside in or mate with males of a different group.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective of a married couple living with the family of the husband.
  • adjective anthropology In which newly married couples live with the male's family.


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  • In an effort to relieve some of the inter-generational and spousal tensions that had arisen in the past from patrilocal residence after marriage, a rabbinical decree pronounced in 1952 permitted young couples to live away from their parents-in-law (Laskier).

    Morocco: Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. 2009

  • The northern type of family is thus patrilineal and patrilocal and the married women in such a family live in the house of their father-in-law (sasural).

    The sociological concept of joint family in India India 2009

  • Are patrilocal arrangements more likely to be lousy for women than matrilocal ones?

    Sisterhood is Powerful: Lessons from Gelada & Hamadryas Baboons Field Notes 2008

  • My gut says - duh - of course patrilocal arrangements would be poorer for humans females.

    Sisterhood is Powerful: Lessons from Gelada & Hamadryas Baboons Field Notes 2008

  • Gordon Handcock uses this method in his examination of English migrations to and settlement in Newfoundland. 42 But this technique has a patrilineal-patrilocal bias that does not accommodate alternative forms of continuities in early community formation in Newfoundland.

    Gutenber-e Help Page 2005

  • Working from the assumption that "a consolidated, stable population tends to have a strong patrilineal-patrilocal character," 9 he fell back on a male-centered demographic technique of surname sieving to measure the stability of settlement, noting some matrilineal extensions, but more as interesting diversions than as evidence of earlier, women-centered continuities.

    Gutenber-e Help Page 2005

  • As a result of patrilocal, clan-exogamous marriage, every community traditionally contained a mix of women from different places, who usually arrived at their vukatini knowing few people other than their husband.

    Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique 2005

  • The technique gives the demographer something concrete to work with, for written records on men are much more readily available than those on women; but it certainly requires strenuous qualification if used in the Newfoundland context, for it mutes the matrilineal bridges and matrilocal/uxorilocal residence patterns that often predated patrilineal-patrilocal patterns in early settlement.

    Gutenber-e Help Page 2005

  • Since chimpanzees are patrilocal (males remain in their natal group while females migrate at puberty) any cultural traits learned by young males would remain in the society while young females would transfer that same trait to nearby societies.

    ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science EMJ 2010

  • Mothers-in-law are very important in patrilineal, patrilocal systems; but not so much in matrilineal, matrilocal systems.

    Recently Uploaded Slideshows 2008

  • Despite huge differences in the ways that their societies operate, both chimpanzees and bonobos are patrilocal, meaning that the young females must shift to another troupe to mate.

    What do we know about the lives of Neanderthal women? – Rebecca Wragg Sykes | Aeon Essays Rebecca Wragg Sykes 2023

  • This combined with the practice of patrilocal marriage, in which daughters are expected to leave their childhood homes to live with their husbands’ families, marginalised women and made them vulnerable to exploitation and abuse in their own homes.

    How did patriarchy actually begin? Angela Saini 2023


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