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  • Ut cantemus de patrono/Coram agno, coram throno/Laudes super aethera.

    Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany 2008

  • São Estaline, padroeiro das purgas e fuzilamentos, santo patrono dos gulags, venerado por legiões de apparitchicks... dessa nunca me teria lembrado, Y.

    Graff Artur 2008

  • Volunt ut suam quisque causam agat, eamque referat Judici quam narraturus fuerat patrono, sic minus erit ambagum, et veritas facilius elicietur.

    Anatomy of Melancholy 2007

  • Lá o fiz, mas quando chegou a parte sobre dizer algo sobre o patrono da escola, António Bento Franco, bloqueei.

    Artistas Multifacetados Artur 2005

  • Other edifying anecdote: on Friday 12/11/2004, La Regione had a weird piece on Hacker protetti da San Espedito, beginning with “Anche gli hacker, i terribili pirati della Rete, hanno il loro patrono” – terrible pirates of the Web?

    La Suisse, Tiers-Monde du joueb? — Climb to the Stars 2004

  • Other edifying anecdote: on Friday 12/11/2004, La Regione had a weird piece on Hacker protetti da San Espedito, beginning with “Anche gli hacker, i terribili pirati della Rete, hanno il loro patrono” – terrible pirates of the Web?

    La Suisse, Tiers-Monde du joueb? — Climb to the Stars 2004

  • Whatever he might have felt about Hart as the Mayor ... or as his patrono ... he never would have allowed this.

    Wizard and Glass King, Stephen 1997

  • Sort of iike a patrono, you know what I'm trying to sayT '

    Greenmantle De Lint, Charles, 1951- 1985

  • A _patrono_ has no exact counterpart in English ecclesiastical law; it was his business, within narrow limits, to defend the interests of the accused from the theological point of view.

    Fray Luis de León A Biographical Fragment James Fitzmaurice-Kelly

  • 'En lo que escrebís quel maestro fray Luis de Leon ha recusado al maestro Mancio, que le habia nombrado por patrono, y pedido traslado de lo que dejó escripto en su negocio; consultado con el Reverendísimo

    Fray Luis de León A Biographical Fragment James Fitzmaurice-Kelly


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