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  • Dall'opera di legno, che così ricopre il pavimento come la muraglia d'intorno all'altezza di un uomo o poco più, infino alla soffitta, le facciate sono distinte in alcuni quadri, in ciascuno dei quali è ritratto qualche famoso scrittore antico o moderno con breve elogietto, nel quale ristrettamente si compendia la vita di ciascheduno di loro.

    Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro 2008

  • What is the meaning of my favorite highway sign, no deje piedras sobre el pavimento?

    Driving in Mexico 2006

  • What is the meaning of my favorite highway sign, no deje piedras sobre el pavimento?

    Driving in Mexico 2006

  • What is the meaning of my favorite highway sign, no deje piedras sobre el pavimento?

    Driving in Mexico 2006

  • What is the meaning of my favorite highway sign, no deje piedras sobre el pavimento?

    Driving in Mexico 2006

  • What is the meaning of my favorite highway sign, no deje piedras sobre el pavimento?

    Driving in Mexico 2006

  • What is the meaning of my favorite highway sign, no deje piedras sobre el pavimento?

    Driving in Mexico 2006

  • What is the meaning of my favorite highway sign, no deje piedras sobre el pavimento?

    Driving in Mexico 2006

  • What is the meaning of my favorite highway sign, no deje piedras sobre el pavimento?

    Driving in Mexico 2006

  • What is the meaning of my favorite highway sign, no deje piedras sobre el pavimento?

    Driving in Mexico 2006


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