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  • Such things are employed on political platforms and by the Press as a kind of pepsine, to aid our race-stomach in digesting certain heavy doses of irrationalism.

    Alone Norman Douglas 1910

  • “Paw-paws are awfully good for the digestion, and even if you just hang a tough fowl or a bit of goat in the tree among the leaves, it gets tender in no time, for there is an awful lot of pepsine in a paw-paw,” — which there is not, papaine being its active principle.

    Travels in West Africa 2003

  • In the morning it was clean gone, string and all; but whether it was the pepsine, the papaine, or a purloining pagan that was the cause of its departure there was no evidence to show.

    Travels in West Africa 2003

  • Containing a quantity of pepsine, it is often recommended by doctors as a dessert for persons with weak digestive organs.

    The Philippine Islands John Foreman

  • We have words, always either too few or too many; words which are for ever emancipating themselves from our control and becoming masters instead of slaves, so that our ideas, which ought to be formed by independent cerebration, are half derived from mere verbal symbols, which become a kind of intellectual pepsine that weakens the strongest systems.

    Fountains in the Sand Rambles Among the Oases of Tunisia Norman Douglas 1910

  • There is not enough hydrochloric or pepsine left in the town to make a true extract of horse, but by boiling and evaporation the strength is raised till every pint issued will make three pints of soup.

    Ladysmith The Diary of a Siege Henry W. Nevinson 1900

  • But I never got any good of pepsine and have always got good of quinine, except for the effect, real or imaginary, on my sleep.

    New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle 1893

  • I have been out in the carriage to-day/twice/, - before dinner and after, - and I have had a dose of pepsine administered to me by the

    New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle 1893

  • I have got a respectable widow of fifty for cook and housekeeper, who has already done more for improving my appetite than all the quinine and pepsine that have been tried on me.

    New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle 1893

  • And the difference lasted two or three days; but only two or three days, tho 'I did continue the pepsine.

    New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle 1893


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