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  • When antegrade transport is blocked and only very limited possibilities are available to synthesize fresh protein in the cell peripherie, the density of molecules awaiting retrograde transport shrink, which would result in a slow down of retrograde transport.

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles 2008

  • This could reflect a lack of supply at the cell peripherie.

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles 2008

  • This could reflect a lack of supply at the cell peripherie.

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles 2008

  • This could reflect energy and motor protein supply gradients in the cell with high concentration in the cell body close to the mitochondria and at the microtubule-organizing centre and lower concentrations in the cell peripherie.

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles 2008

  • This could reflect energy and motor protein supply gradients in the cell with high concentration in the cell body close to the mitochondria and at the microtubule-organizing centre and lower concentrations in the cell peripherie.

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles 2008


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