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  • "Si vero _hæresiarchæ Berquini_, et suorum sequacium pervicacia delibutus (hæreticus) incorrigibilis videatur, ne fortassis plusquam vipereum venenum latenter surrepat, et sanos inficere possit, subito auferte eum de medio vestrum, execrantes atque aversantes illius perversitatem, et abscisum velut palmitem aridum (juxta Joannis sententiam) _subjectis ignibus torrere facite_."

    The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2) Henry Martyn Baird

  • Christianity here appears no longer as a religion of criminals, as it does in the texts of Tacitus and Suetonius; Pliny acknowledges the high moral principles of the Christians, admires their constancy in the Faith (pervicacia et inflexibilis obstinatio), which he appears to trace back to their worship of Christ (carmenque Christo, quasi

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent 1840-1916 1913


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