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  • Their perspectives on war, & on the real relationship between capitalist governments and the soldiers they use as cannon fodder for imperialist goals, are basically what you are calling "pontificat (ing) on the evils of America and its abuse of others, ill treatment of its own, and thirst for blood abroad."


  • Ballerini, Les Premiéres pages du pontificat de Pie IX (Rome, 1909);

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss 1840-1916 1913

  • Giovacchino Murat ai moti del 31 e 48 (Florence, 1908); RINIERI, Il congresso di Vienna e la Santa Sede (Turin, 1904); IDEM, La sovranità del Papa e i sovrani di tutta l'Europa nel 1814 in Civilta catt., 18th series, V (1902); FARGES, Le pouvoir temporel au début du pontificat de Grégoire XVI d'après la correspondance de Stendhal in

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon 1840-1916 1913

  • Jules II, sa vie et son pontificat (Paris, 1873) KLACZKO, Rome et la

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent 1840-1916 1913

  • De la cour romaine sous le pontificat de Pie IX (Louvain, 1859);

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock 1840-1916 1913

  • Gendry, Pie VI, sa vie – son pontificat, II (Paris, 1907), 451-83, documented from Vatican archives; Scaduto, Stato e Chiesa sotto

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss 1840-1916 1913

  • Le Pape Leon IX., dans la Bulle qu'il donna à ce monastère la première année de son pontificat, de J.C. 1049, nous apprend qu'il avoit été fondé par son père Hughes et sa mère Heilioilgdis, et ses frères Gerard et Hugues, qui étoient déjà décédés; il ajoûte que ce lieu lui étoit tombé par droit de succession; il le met sous la protection spéciale du Saint

    Notes and Queries, Number 193, July 9, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc Various 1852

  • On one hand we have Newt Gingrich all pouty and petulant because his supporters at the last debate, many of whom wouldn't surprise me to be Tea Party members, were't allowed to jump up and down and carry on like cheerleade ­rs every time he uttered some sanctimone­ous pontificat ­ion, and now we have Herman Cain trying desperatel­y to get someone to pay attention to the Tea Party again.

    The Full Feed from The Huffington Post News Editors 2012

  • They have to strut, and pontificat ­e, and lecture, taking care not to make enough sense to accidently win.

    The Full Feed from Elyse Siegel 2012

  • Eclectic Radical: I suppose it isn 't the done thing right now, but during bulk of the Bush Administra tion I seem to remember Andrew Sullivan pontificat ing in favor of the Iraq War,

    Liberal Values 2009


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