
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • abbreviation preposition


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  • Pinning the blame on the Fed's reversal of their Y2K prep. is kind of hard IMO.

    Against Budget Surpluses, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty 2009

  • With his elbows on the kitchen table, and his knuckles to his brow, sat Clarence, intent on belated "prep."

    Zuleika Dobson 1911

  • No other master was anxious to take that "prep.," for the school lacked the steadying influence of tradition; and men accustomed to the ordered routine of ancient foundations found it occasionally insubordinate.

    Stalky & Co. Rudyard Kipling 1900

  • They poured into study after study, told their tale, and went again so soon as they saw they were understood, waiting for no comment; while the noise of that unholy "prep." grew and deepened.

    Stalky & Co. Rudyard Kipling 1900

  • The girls were amusing themselves in various fashions after the fatigues of "prep.," but one and all looked round with expressions of astonishment at the violent opening of the door which heralded the unexpected appearance of the sub-editor, white-cheeked, and tragic of demeanour.

    Etheldreda the Ready A School Story George de Horne Vaizey 1887

  • The children came home from school and settled down to their "prep."

    The Fortunes of the Farrells George de Horne Vaizey 1887

  • "prep." school that made a specialty of preparing young men for

    Dick Prescott's First Year at West Point 1895


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