
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun The belief that measurable economic productivity is the purpose of human organization.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

productive +‎ -ism


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  • One must not be deceived by the fact that Mussolini preached productivism; because at the same time he poured money into trying to depopulate the industrial cities, into thoroughly unprofitable imperial adventures, and into an elaborate corporative system that did not work but acted as a brake on the economy.

    A Body Divided, 1 2009

  • He thus rejects the Marxian philosophy of history which posits the primacy of production in all societies and rejects the Marxian concept of socialism, arguing that it does not break radically enough with capitalist productivism, offering itself merely as a more efficient and equitable organization of production rather than as a completely different sort of society with a different values and forms of culture and life.

    Jean Baudrillard Kellner, Douglas 2007

  • The rejection of productivism and the shift away from quantitative and toward qualitative economic criteria involve rethinking the nature and goals of production and economic activity in general.

    unknown title 2009

  • For centuries, productivism and industrial capitalism have been destroying our cultures, exploiting our labour and poisoning our environment.

    Indymedia Scotland Features RSS Feed 2009

  • Karl Marx's ambivalence on the question of the labour theory of right - an ambivalence that continues in the divergent legacies of socialist productivism and the refusal of work - is no more cause for hesitating in the face of these repatriations than can his critical remarks on the attachment of rights to production be set aside for the sake of conforming with the rise of a seemingly inexorable neo-Keynesian consensus.

    Mute magazine - Culture and politics after the net - CULTURE AND POLITICS AFTER THE NET 2009

  • With the endurance of the most aggressive aspects of modern societies: the growth of social inequalities, consumeristic frenzy, destruction of nature, militarization of international affairs, the confiscation of public power by the market and productivism, the violent appropriation of the natural resources, and democracy retrogress

    P2P Foundation 2009

  • Once the global symbol of U.S. productivism and consumerism, they now teeter on the brink of bankruptcy and, in the process, profound questions are being raised about the decline of U.S. manufacturing jobs more generally.

    News Dissector Blog 2009

  • Anticipated in 1923 by Ossip Brik's manifesto 'Into Production', productivism comes of age in 1925-6 when prominent constructivist artists such as Rodchenko and El Lissitzky realise that the socialist revolution required systems of representation / production / distribution which would recognize the collective participation in the actual processes of production of social wealth, systems which, like architecture in the past or cinema in the present, had established conditions of simultaneous collective reception. xvii

    Mute magazine - Culture and politics after the net - CULTURE AND POLITICS AFTER THE NET mute 2008

  • As Benjamin Buchloh notes, productivism marks a 'paradigm-change' within the Soviet avant-garde.

    Mute magazine - Culture and politics after the net - CULTURE AND POLITICS AFTER THE NET mute 2008

  • But if the myth of the originality of the avant-garde was absorbed and superseded by the post-historical re-presentation of the Revolution as the ultimate Work of Art, this development was also partly rooted in the fact that avant-garde artists had longed to become engineers of the modern world well before the advent of productivism.

    Mute magazine - Culture and politics after the net - CULTURE AND POLITICS AFTER THE NET mute 2008


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