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  • Deus, qui beatos Martyres tuos Ioannem et Thomam veræ fidei et Romanæ Ecclesiæ principatus propugnatores inter Anglos suscitasti: eorum meritis ac precibus concede; ut eiusdem fidei professione, unum omnes in Christo efficiamur et simus.

    Archive 2009-07-01 2009

  • On the Profession of the Religious (De professione religiosorum), in which he attacked the vow of obedience and asceticism taken by members of religious orders.

    Lorenzo Valla Nauta, Lodi 2009

  • In 1542 the Venetian Sylvestro Ganassi del Fontego speaks of the Flemish composer Nicolas Gombert, master of the choirboys in the Emperor's chapel, as huomo divino in tal professione (Lowinsky [1964], p. 484).


  • Sed in hac professione quo dolo vasa irae molirentur irrepere, ipsa Dei gratia vasis misericordiae revelavit.

    Pneumatologia 1616-1683 1967

  • “Non erant,” saith he, “filii, etiam quando erant in professione et nomine filiorum; non quia justitiam simulaverunt, sed quia in ea non permanserunt.”

    The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed 1616-1683 1966

  • When a brother priest was sent to give him the consolations of religion, Ciro cut him short, saying, "Stop that chatter, we are two of a trade: we need not play the fool to one another" (_Lasciate queste chiacchiere, siamo dell 'istessa professione: non ci burliamo fra noi_).

    Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria" Various

  • In the "De professione religiosorum" he denies that the religious state is the most perfect, as there is greater merit in acting spontaneously than in fulfilling what one is obliged to do by vow, and he taxes the monks with arrogance for calling themselves religious, as if other

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner 1840-1916 1913

  • (Anomoeans), and others, the rule was that the penitent should be baptized (cum ad sanctam Ecclesiam veniunt, baptizantur); but where the heretical baptism was considered valid converts were admitted into the Church either by anointing with chrism, or by the imposition of hands or by a profession of faith (aut unctione chrismatis, aut impositione manus, aut professione fidei ad sinum matris Ecclesiae revocantur).

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize 1840-1916 1913

  • Fuit enim professione et habitu de damnatis Beghardis unus, qui visiones et revelationes in praedicto damnato habitu multas habuit quas infallibiles esse credidit.

    The History and Life of the Reverend Doctor John Tauler with Twenty-Five of his Sermons 1820-1884 1905

  • To the quhilk Confession and forme of Religion we willingly agree in our consciences in all pointis, as unto Godis undouted trewth and veritie, groundit only upon his written word. et propugnata est; explicata etiam uberius, in Fidei confessione, plurimis comitiorum publicorum actis confirmata, regisque serenissimi et universorum hujus regni civium publica multorum jam annorum professione approbata.

    The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches. 1889


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