
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun A phenothiazine antipsychotic.


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  • He would obviously have to be sedated before we could do anything, and among the rush of new drugs were excellent tranquillisers such as acetyl promazine There was, however, the small matter of one of us grasping that leonine head while the other lifted a fold of skin and inserted the needle.

    Every living thing Herriot, James 1992

  • Something about promazine rung a highly personal note.

    Bonecrack Francis, Dick 1971

  • MOUTON FINED: In a ruling issued Jan. 25, the stewards fined trainer Pat Mouton $1,000 because a horse he trained tested positive for a metabolite of the tranquilizer promazine.

    New Orleans Saints Central 2010


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