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  • Un maxi blitz dei carabinieri del Comando provinciale di Palermo è in corso in diverse città dell'isola.

    Archive 2008-12-01 2008

  • Sauce à la provençale becomes salsa alla provinciale, meaning that the sauce in question, instead of hailing from the region of Provence, is just plain provincial.

    Delizia! John Dickie 2008

  • Un maxi blitz dei carabinieri del Comando provinciale di Palermo è in corso in diverse città dell'isola.

    [blitz antimafia] in diverse città della sicilia e in toscana 2008

  • Quoi qu'il en soit, la population est massivement derrière Williams à plus de 70 %, selon les sondages et pour lui, vraisemblablement, l'élection provinciale du 9 octobre est déjà dans la poche.

    The revenge of the Newfies? Ed Hollett 2007

  • Textes inédits d'après les manuscrits de la Bibliothèque provinciale de Hanovre. 2 vols.

    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Look, Brandon C. 2007

  • An older treatise of value is E. Monnet, Histoire de l'administration provinciale, départementale et communale en France

    The Governments of Europe Frederic Austin Ogg 1914

  • Under the presidency of the governor the body meets yearly, and in the intervals between sessions it is represented by a _commission provinciale_, or provincial committee, elected annually.

    The Governments of Europe Frederic Austin Ogg 1914

  • This method of assurance of title was not open to foreigners (peregrini); nor could it be applied to provincial land (solum provinciale), for in such land Roman law recognized no right of ownership, but right of possession only.

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss 1840-1916 1913

  • - Federation provinciale des Fransaskoises - Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan ($4,800);

    Marketwire - Breaking News Releases 2010

  • - Federation provinciale des Fransaskoises - Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan ($4,800);

    Marketwire - Breaking News Releases 2010


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