provisoirement love


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  • J'ai suspendu provisoirement la fabrication de hiboux (e-books, ndlr) au format Microsoft Reader ou Mobipocket.

    Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas Marie Lebert

  • We found that a house, in the suburbs at Buenavista, had been taken for us provisoirement by the kindness of the Spaniards, especially of a rich merchant who accompanied us in the carriage, Don M — l M — z del C — o; consequently we passed all through Mexico before reaching our destination, always in the midst of the crowd, on account of which and of the ill-paved streets we went very slowly.

    Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country Frances Erskine Inglis 1843

  • We found that a house, in the suburbs at Buenavista, had been taken for us _provisoirement_ by the kindness of the Spaniards, especially of a rich merchant who accompanied us in the carriage, Don M--- l M--- z del C--- o; consequently we passed all through

    Life in Mexico Frances Calder��n de la Barca 1843

  • You will observe, that in the _Arrêt_ it is said to be passed '_provisoirement, _' and that Mr. Necker expressly holds up to us in his letter, a repeal, whenever the national fishery supplies their wants.

    Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 2 Thomas Jefferson 1784

  • Silvio Berlusconi grâce à l'abstention de dissidents de droite emmenés par Gianfranco Fini, éloignant provisoirement le risque - Articles related to Schwarzenegger déclare l'état d'urgence budgétaire en Californie 2010

  • Conférence de Lyon pour la solidarité numérique / Conférence de presse République démocratique du Congo / La suspension des procédures dans l'affaire Thomas Lubanga Dyilo est levée / Le procès est provisoirement programmé au 26 janvier 2009

    Database of Press Releases related to Africa 2008


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