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  • Actors, doctors, designers, a pussyhound ex-prez and a stoned out country singer/songwriter who I like anyway.

    50 Men Who Really Understand Women Bill Crider 2007

  • When former MSNBC anchor and media pussyhound Dan "Slim Shady" Abrams opened up shop on both his consulting firm Abrams Research and his blog network (Mediaite and PR Cop), not gonna lie, I didn't think they'd be getting to know Glenn Beck's vagina or Lady Gaga's penis so intimately.

    Gawker 2009

  • When former MSNBC anchor and media pussyhound Dan "Slim Shady" Abrams opened up shop on both his consulting firm Abrams Research and his blog network (Mediaite and PR Cop), not gonna lie, I didn't think they'd be getting to know Glenn Beck's vagina or Lady Gaga's penis so intimately.

    Gawker 2009

  • Not really, I can approach just about anyone for any reason - but when it comes to making that first approach where you're essentially admitting in not so many words, "I'd like for whatever I'm about to say to ultimately result in sex" it's a bit tougher because like any woman who wants to be treated like a lady, there are just as many men who want to be seen as more than a lecherous pussyhound.

    blogTO 2009

  • Not really, I can approach just about anyone for any reason - but when it comes to making that first approach where you're essentially admitting in not so many words, "I'd like for whatever I'm about to say to ultimately result in sex" it's a bit tougher because like any woman who wants to be treated like a lady, there are just as many men who want to be seen as more than a lecherous pussyhound.

    blogTO 2009

  • Yes, Bill Paxton makes the movie douchebag list for a second time in his portrayal of the sleaze-bag used car salesman turned low-life pussyhound known only as Simon.

    Film Junk 2008

  • The Situation, who sometimes answers to Mike, is a wildly insecure pussyhound who answers every query about the origin of his nickname by pulling up his T-shirt, exposing his six-pack and announcing, "

    The Guardian World News 2010

  • The Situation, who sometimes answers to Mike, is a wildly insecure pussyhound who answers every query about the origin of his nickname by pulling up his T-shirt, exposing his six-pack and announcing, "

    The Guardian World News 2010


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