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  • He might be a scapegrace, rag-mannered round-ear, but there was no reason to give anybody the idea he was a bad influence on the Prince, Kellen thought with an inward grin.

    Tran Siberian Michael J. Solender 2010

  • He might be a scapegrace, rag-mannered round-ear, but there was no reason to give anybody the idea he was a bad influence on the Prince, Kellen thought with an inward grin.

    The Outstretched Shadow 2003

  • He was the rag-mannered barefoot boy who glowered at the back and never played games in the yard.

    At Swim, Two Boys Jamie O’Neill 2002

  • He was the rag-mannered barefoot boy who glowered at the back and never played games in the yard.

    At Swim, Two Boys Jamie O’Neill 2002

  • "And you, if I may say so, miss, are rag-mannered and impertinent."

    The Last Gamble Nichols, Mary 1996

  • "It would be very rag-mannered of all of us to allow you to do so alone, my dear," the marchioness said.

    Snow Angels Balogh, Mary 1991

  • "I do hope you do not think me rag-mannered to leave you to each other's company," she said.

    Ungrateful Governess Balogh, Mary 1988

  • "Really, Honor," she said, "you could not possibly be so rag-mannered.

    An Unacceptable Offer Balogh, Mary 1988


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