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  • Luckily I had plenty of allies, starting with Jean, a freckled farm kid from Umvukwes with laughing brown eyes and railway-track braces.

    Rainbow’s End Lauren St John 2007

  • Luckily I had plenty of allies, starting with Jean, a freckled farm kid from Umvukwes with laughing brown eyes and railway-track braces.

    Rainbow’s End Lauren St John 2007

  • We entered a spacious arcade, surrounded by more railway-track doorways.

    Cat & Mouse Patterson, James 1997

  • Near the railway-track a light-wood fire was blazing, and, obeying the promptings of the frosty atmosphere, we made our way to it.

    The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No. 1, July, 1862 Various

  • Near the railway-track a light-wood fire was blazing, and, obeying the promptings of the frosty atmosphere, we made our way to it.

    Among the Pines or, South in Secession Time James R. Gilmore

  • Clambering up this their quest led them across a long stretch of comparatively level ground to the fenced-in railway-track.

    The Luck of the Mounted A Tale of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police Ralph S. Kendall

  • These men were seen coming down the railway-track carrying a white flag.

    The Philippine Islands John Foreman

  • If these difficulties weigh little with you, the panorama along the shores of the memorable river, and the incidents and shows of passing life upon its bosom, render the trip far preferable to the brief, yet tiresome shoot along the railway-track.

    The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 11, No. 67, May, 1863 Various

  • They came at last to the railway-track, with long trains of empty freight-cars.

    The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 09, No. 51, January, 1862 Various

  • Away beyond the boulevard the thin stripes of the metals showed upon the railway-track, whose margin was crowded with little stacks of timber, beside which smoking toy engines fussed.

    Sons and Lovers 1913


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