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  • noun Plural form of reburial.


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  • In Poyales del Hoyo, a village in the central province of Avila, I attended the 2002 reburials of Pilar Espinosa, Virtudes de la Fuente and Valeriana Granada – whose roadside grave had been dug up in nearby Candeleda.

    Trial of judge Baltasar Garzón splits a Spain still suffering civil war wounds 2012

  • In one case, six hundred to seven hundred students who “attempted to create a human chain” around the graves to stop the reburials clashed with two hundred who were in favor.40 Many saw a more sinister, repressive motive.

    Let the Swords Encircle Me Scott Peterson 2010

  • Eddie later found out that there had been a large flap over the interment of Zelda in the family plot, and after reburials and threatened lawsuits, she was quietly allowed to be laid to rest next to F. Scott, left to disappear with the faded letters of their names on the cold stones, slowly boats disappearing into the void of the horizon.

    Zelda's Lament: F. Scott and the Priest 2010

  • There was definitely more than propaganda to the Saint-Denis reburials.

    Marie-Antoinette at Saint Denis elena maria vidal 2009

  • "Families need compensation for the deaths and injuries that occurred, restitution for their destroyed land and property, an apology for the violations and proper reburials for their loved ones," said

    ANC Daily News Briefing 2008

  • Whatever the case, the most commonly accepted version of what happened is that the graves were mislaid and before the mistake was discovered, too many people had been buried; the expense of reburials not to mention the effect it would have had on the grieving families was too great a cost.

    Archive 2007-11-01 2007

  • Whatever the case, the most commonly accepted version of what happened is that the graves were mislaid and before the mistake was discovered, too many people had been buried; the expense of reburials not to mention the effect it would have had on the grieving families was too great a cost.

    Which Way Are the Dead Headed? 2007

  • * The dignified reburials of victims of apartheid;

    ANC Daily News Briefing 2005

  • Mbeki said one way in which the government had sought to redress apartheid wrongs had been through the victim reparations in the form of grants and bursaries, reburials for the fallen, special pensions and housing.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 2005

  • Perhaps the most fascinating example was the suggestion that the KGC—responding to intelligence reports that maps for key depositories in several states had fallen into the hands of “some thugs”—had ordered particular caches moved.3 These reburials, according to Howk, were said to have occurred in the 1930s and 1940s.

    Shadow of the Sentinel WARREN GETLER 2003


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