
from The Century Dictionary.

  • To experience again.
  • noun A renewed or repeated experience.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun A renewed or repeated experience.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun A renewed or repeated experience.
  • verb transitive To experience again or anew.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

re- +‎ experience


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  • It was much easier to bring in Googlers who wanted to reexperience life at a smaller company.

    In the Plex Steven Levy 2011

  • Because you can reexperience the world through the eyes of your kids, whether it's the first time they catch

    A Conversation with Anna Quindlen about Rise and Shine 2010

  • It was much easier to bring in Googlers who wanted to reexperience life at a smaller company.

    In the Plex Steven Levy 2011

  • As we replay that memory, our bodies reexperience their original physiological responses: pulse rate and breathing speed up, blood pressure increases, and hormone messengers are activated.

    American Yoga Association Beginner’s Manual Fully Revised and Updated Alice Christensen 2010

  • It is quite another to reexperience God anew or from the beginning, before there were laws, rules and regulations, temples, cathedrals, shrines, synagogues, and mosques.

    God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu … Carlton Pearson 2010

  • Looking at your completed list, can you mentally reexperience in reverse the past few moments of your life with a flowing motion?

    The Next Ten Minutes EdD Andrew Peterson 2010

  • The point here is to reexperience the ordinary act of drinking as an elemental physical experience.

    The Next Ten Minutes EdD Andrew Peterson 2010

  • Looking at your completed list, can you mentally reexperience in reverse the past few moments of your life with a flowing motion?

    The Next Ten Minutes EdD Andrew Peterson 2010

  • Looking at your completed list, can you mentally reexperience in reverse the past few moments of your life with a flowing motion?

    The Next Ten Minutes EdD Andrew Peterson 2010

  • The point here is to reexperience the ordinary act of drinking as an elemental physical experience.

    The Next Ten Minutes EdD Andrew Peterson 2010


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