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  • There was a big snook I was reling in, about two feet long.

    Lost at the Net 2009

  • There was a big snook I was reling in, about two feet long.

    Lost at the Net 2009

  • Unless you belong to the uber-wealthy reling class, socialism is the only reason your kids even get to learn to read; the only reason anyone will even care to respond if your house catches on fire; the only reason you will get anything but a dial tone when you call 911.

    Obama calls for civil debate, takes shots at critics 2010

  • The prospect wasn’t too good for him and he had to undergo several operations very quickly following his diagnosis (more were required as the first procedures didn’t go too well); the poor guy was very, very ill, and being unmarried, found himself reling on his parents to help with his aftercare.

    The Single Measure Of Public Confidence « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG Inspector Gadget 2009

  • a splinte right over his eye on his right side: the force of which stroke was so vehement, and the paine he had withall so great, as he was moch astonished, and had great ado (with reling to and from) to kepe himself on horseback; and his horse in like manner dyd somwhat yeld.

    The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2) Henry Martyn Baird


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