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  • Yo lo uso frecuentemente para consultar dudas, repasar alguna estructura gramatical, o simplemente para ver si encuentro algo nuevo que aprender .. y resulta que cada vez que lo abro me cuesta volverlo a cerrar.

    Practical English Usage « Books « Literacy News 2009

  • Phrases ... air brush - aerógrafo (art) brush against - rozar (touch) brush aside - ignorar, descartar, rechazar (attention) brush away - quitar (movement) brush down - cepillar (cleaning) brush off - mandar a uno a paseo, desairar a, deshacerse de (person) brush past - pasar rozando (person) brush up - repasar, refrescar (knowledge) scrub brush - cepillo de fregar, estregadera (tools)

    Need the Sanish word for "brushes" (electric motor) 2006

  • Phrases ... air brush - aerógrafo (art) brush against - rozar (touch) brush aside - ignorar, descartar, rechazar (attention) brush away - quitar (movement) brush down - cepillar (cleaning) brush off - mandar a uno a paseo, desairar a, deshacerse de (person) brush past - pasar rozando (person) brush up - repasar, refrescar (knowledge) scrub brush - cepillo de fregar, estregadera (tools)

    Need the Sanish word for "brushes" (electric motor) 2006

  • Phrases ... air brush - aerógrafo (art) brush against - rozar (touch) brush aside - ignorar, descartar, rechazar (attention) brush away - quitar (movement) brush down - cepillar (cleaning) brush off - mandar a uno a paseo, desairar a, deshacerse de (person) brush past - pasar rozando (person) brush up - repasar, refrescar (knowledge) scrub brush - cepillo de fregar, estregadera (tools)

    Need the Sanish word for "brushes" (electric motor) 2006

  • Phrases ... air brush - aerógrafo (art) brush against - rozar (touch) brush aside - ignorar, descartar, rechazar (attention) brush away - quitar (movement) brush down - cepillar (cleaning) brush off - mandar a uno a paseo, desairar a, deshacerse de (person) brush past - pasar rozando (person) brush up - repasar, refrescar (knowledge) scrub brush - cepillo de fregar, estregadera (tools)

    Need the Sanish word for "brushes" (electric motor) 2006

  • Phrases ... air brush - aerógrafo (art) brush against - rozar (touch) brush aside - ignorar, descartar, rechazar (attention) brush away - quitar (movement) brush down - cepillar (cleaning) brush off - mandar a uno a paseo, desairar a, deshacerse de (person) brush past - pasar rozando (person) brush up - repasar, refrescar (knowledge) scrub brush - cepillo de fregar, estregadera (tools)

    Need the Sanish word for "brushes" (electric motor) 2006

  • Phrases ... air brush - aerógrafo (art) brush against - rozar (touch) brush aside - ignorar, descartar, rechazar (attention) brush away - quitar (movement) brush down - cepillar (cleaning) brush off - mandar a uno a paseo, desairar a, deshacerse de (person) brush past - pasar rozando (person) brush up - repasar, refrescar (knowledge) scrub brush - cepillo de fregar, estregadera (tools)

    Need the Sanish word for "brushes" (electric motor) 2006

  • - vecindad • Boat dock - muelle del barco • Woods - maderas • Playing the keyboard & guitar - tocar el teclado y la guitarra • Watching & reviewing movies - mirar y repasar películas

    Recently Uploaded Slideshows 2008


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