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  • Westerners rarely understand how unpopular they are in Afghanistan due to real grievances, from smaller matters like the road-hogging conduct of NATO patrols, to the mistreatment of prisoners and the killings of relatively small, but significant numbers of civilians.

    Gilles Dorronsoro: Who Are the Taliban? 2009

  • One of the biggest stigmatisms about the introduction of micro-cars into the American market is a fear of what will happen if they are hit by a huge road-hogging SUV.

    TRANSPORTATION TUESDAY: The 80mph TRIAC Goes on Sale! | Inhabitat 2008

  • He recently traded in his road-hogging gas guzzling SUV for a much more compact and energy efficient Smart Car.

    CNN Transcript Jun 23, 2008 2008

  • For more than a decade after it went public in 1990, Winnebago Industries, manufacturer of the iconic road-hogging motor home, saw its shares soar despite choppy earnings growth.

    Key Data 2008

  • He recently traded in his road-hogging, gas-guzzling SUV for a much more compact and energy-efficient smart car.

    CNN Transcript Jun 23, 2008 2008

  • Also, Stefan's comment above is dead-on -- a position that we're saving money now must be made with the knowledge that a much-worse boondoggle that nobody uses, and that is many times more expensive and ineffective, will have to be put in to handle traffic from West Seattle and other Viaduct-dependent areas (i.e., monorail, even more empty and road-hogging, pollution-spewing, publicly-subsidized, inconvenient and dysfunctional buses).

    Sound Politics: Liberal Democrat from Seattle Speaks Wisdom 2006

  • Nor are they all on the same road-hogging scale as the giant Hummers.

    When Is Big Too Big? 2007

  • Coming up on "IN THE MONEY" this weekend, find out why the gas - sucking, road-hogging, four-wheel drive for no reason SUVs may finally be going the way of the dinosaur and it can't happen soon enough.

    CNN Transcript Mar 24, 2006 2006

  • She thought of SUVs as road-hogging, gas-guzzling trucks on steroids.

    Crazy Love Desiree Day 2005

  • She thought of SUVs as road-hogging, gas-guzzling trucks on steroids.

    Crazy Love Desiree Day 2005


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