
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun The skill of driving a road vehicle.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

road +‎ craft, coined by the British police as a title for some driving handbooks.


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  • I wouldn’t say this was worst case scenario, surely that would be if you were on a legit shout and driving within roadcraft and had a fatal polcol and got hung out to dry?

    Our Former Leaders – Smith, Blears and McNulty. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG Inspector Gadget 2009

  • Where the presenters obsessive over going fast, moaned about the state of 'political correctness' and roadcraft and actively encouraged people to moan about road safety apparatus to prevent speeding and endangering people's lives.

    The Guardian World News George Monbiot 2011

  • Elsewhere in the world the drivers were far better but each one of them had roadcraft habits every bit as irritating as hawking up phlegm.

    Top stories from Times Online 2009


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