
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun An adherent of routine; a follower of unvarying methods or prescribed principles: as, a routinist in medicine, in education, etc.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun One who habituated to a routine.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun One who follows a routine.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

routine +‎ -ist


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  • And yet had fortune been unkind she might have brought us some calculating routinist with pride in strict obedience to the letter of the military law.

    In the Claws of the German Eagle Albert Rhys Williams 1922

  • She was a routinist; she believed in system, she believed in order, and she believed that godliness was akin to cleanliness.

    Lovey Mary Alice Caldwell Hegan Rice 1906

  • He was a born routinist, regarding a well-regulated world as a place where everything ran in the same grooves to eternity.

    A Romance of Billy-Goat Hill Alice Caldwell Hegan Rice 1906

  • Nothing is so routinist as imagination and emotion; and empathy, which partakes of both, is therefore more dependent on familiarity than is the perception by which it is started: Spohr, and the other professional contemporaries of Beethoven, probably heard and technically understood all the peculiarities of his last quartets; but they liked them none the better.

    The Beautiful An Introduction to Psychological Aesthetics Vernon Lee 1895

  • As such Alfieri, who was essentially a routinist, respected and approved of marriage; and anything different would have struck his martinet, rule and compass, mind, as ridiculous and contemptible.

    The Countess of Albany Vernon Lee 1895

  • The Countess of Albany was not a selfish woman; she had, apparently without complaining, sacrificed her social tastes, made herself an old woman before her time, in acquiescence to Alfieri's misanthropic and routinist self-engrossment; she had been satisfied, or thought herself satisfied, with the cold, ceremonious adoration of a man who divided his time between his studies, his horses, and his intrigues with other women; but unselfish natures are often unselfish from their very thinness and coldness.

    The Countess of Albany Vernon Lee 1895

  • a terrorist of the most dreadful type; a regular routinist in extermination of corrupt people.

    The Countess of Albany Vernon Lee 1895


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