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  • Green and purple russulas grew there as if they had been planted, beds of coral-hued "Tom Thumbs" that were like strawberries, and a big, bitter variety of boletus, worthless but beautiful, having the size and appearance of a pie -- a meringue pie, well browned.

    Dwellers in Arcady The Story of an Abandoned Farm Albert Bigelow Paine 1899

  • And the broad, rich russulas in the autumn called aloud, "I am a fat, wholesome Mushroom," and the deadly amanita cried, "I am an Amanita.

    The Biography of a Grizzly Ernest Thompson Seton 1903

  • And the broad, rich russulas in the autumn called aloud, "I am a fat, wholesome Mushroom," and the deadly amanita cried, "I am an Amanita.

    The Biography of a Grizzly Ernest Thompson Seton 1903


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