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  • Gregorio ci dà nei settantadue anni della sua vita di perfezione sacerdotale ed episcopale; e la purissima cristiana dottrina che egli trasmise fedelmente ai suoi figlioli.

    Archive 2009-03-01 2009

  • The vulgar Latin hath it, regnum sacerdotale, to which agreeth the translation of that place, sacerdotium regale, a regal priesthood; 93 as also the institution itself, by which no man might enter into the sanctum sanctorum, that is to say, no man might enquire God's will immediately of God

    Leviathan 2007

  • Lisez _l'Imposture sacerdotale_ -- vous y verrez le style de Demosthene.

    Baron D'Holbach : a Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France Max Pearson Cushing 1918

  • De l'imposture sacerdotale, ou Recueil de Pieces sur le Clerge.

    Baron D'Holbach : a Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France Max Pearson Cushing 1918

  • _De L'imposture sacerdotale, ou Recueil de Pieces sur le clerge_, Londres (Amsterdam), 1767.

    Baron D'Holbach : a Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France Max Pearson Cushing 1918

  • De L'imposture sacerdotale, ou Recueil de Pieces sur le clerge, Londres (Amsterdam), 1767.

    Baron d'Holbach Cushing, Max Person 1914

  • De l'imposture sacerdotale, ou Recueil de Pieces sur le Clerge.

    Baron d'Holbach Cushing, Max Person 1914

  • We may mention also the special organs for directors of the Third Order, e.g. "Der Ordensdirektor", published at Innsbruck by the Tyrolese Franciscans, "Revue sacerdotale du Tiers-Ordre de Saint Francois", published by French

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon 1840-1916 1913

  • Damasi, quod ille cum Concilio quinque vel septem habuerit Episcoporum, vel eorum qui Catholici sunt judicio vel Concilio condemnatus fuerit, si juste voluerit Ecclesiam retentare, ut qui ad sacerdotale judicium per contumeliam non ivisset: ut ab illustribus viris Præfectis Prætorio Galliæ atque Italiæ, authoritate adhibitâ, ad Episcopale judicium remittatur, sive

    Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John Isaac Newton 1684

  • The vulgar Latin hath it, regnum sacerdotale, to which agreeth the translation of that place, sacerdotium regale, a regal priesthood; (6) as also the institution itself, by which no man might enter into the sanctum sanctorum, that is to say, no man might enquire God's will immediately of God Himself, but only the high priest.

    Leviathan, or, The matter, forme, & power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill 1651


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