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  • The La-Z-Boy had a salad-bowl depression molded to accommodate his hunched back and he slept more soundly on his recliner than in their matrimonial bed.

    Their Dogs Came With Them Helena María Viramontes 2007

  • Each of these ventures is fine when considered by itself (except maybe for the salad-bowl thing), but I am suspicious of the cultural imperative that whether we are sick or well, more is better.


  • “Wot you doing here?” asked the Englishman, raising his head and regarding Mr. Wrenn as a housewife does a cockroach in the salad-bowl.

    Our Mr. Wrenn 2004

  • Among the salad that comes from your garden a bitter leaf will now and then make its way into your salad-bowl.

    The Last Chronicle of Barset 2004

  • After the salad-bowl, the two men picked up five of the weighty glasses ordinarily used in wine-shops, and which, while looking as though they would contain half a bottle, are in point of fact so thick at the bottom that they hold next to nothing.

    Monsieur Lecoq �mile Gaboriau 2003

  • Lecoq very properly regarded this circumstance as a matter of the greatest importance, for it proved clearly enough that five persons had emptied the salad-bowl in company.

    Monsieur Lecoq �mile Gaboriau 2003

  • Upon one of these, the one nearest the fireplace and the window, the still wet marks of the five glasses, of the salad-bowl, and even of the spoons could be distinguished.

    Monsieur Lecoq �mile Gaboriau 2003

  • The grocer's daughter declared she had met her one evening, at a dancing-hall, seated with a fireman before a salad-bowl full of wine, prepared in the French fashion.

    The French Immortals Series — Complete Various

  • Take a head of endive, wash it and dry it well, and put it into a salad-bowl.

    Simple Italian Cookery Antonia Isola

  • Arrange the lettuce-leaves in a salad-bowl, mix the other ingredients with a sufficient quantity of mayonnaise sauce, put them in the midst of the lettuce, and serve.

    Simple Italian Cookery Antonia Isola


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