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  • Khorasan consisted of Tajikistan, Samarqand Bukhara, Balkh, Takhar, Badakhshan, Parwan kapisa panjshir samangan faryab kunduz kabul ghazni bamiyan herat kandahar helmand farah nemroz ghor etc., and the people of greater khorasan speak Farsi which is the same as Parsi, Persian, Dari and Tajiki. - Articles related to Obama and British leader Cameron say critical to get Afghanistan war right this year 2010

  • Tajikistan, Samarqand Bukhara, Balkh, Takhar, Badakhshan, Parwan kapisa panjshir samangan faryab kunduz kabul ghazni bamiyan herat kandahar helmand farah nemroz ghor etc., and the people of greater khorasan speak Farsi which is the same as Parsi, Persian, Dari and Tajiki. - Articles related to Obama and British leader Cameron say critical to get Afghanistan war right this year 2010

  • Badakhshan, Parwan kapisa panjshir samangan faryab kunduz kabul ghazni bamiyan herat kandahar helmand farah nemroz ghor etc., and the people of greater khorasan speak Farsi which is the same as Parsi, Persian, Dari and Tajiki. - Photown News 2010

  • Badakhshan, Parwan kapisa panjshir samangan faryab kunduz kabul ghazni bamiyan herat kandahar helmand farah nemroz ghor etc., and the people of greater khorasan speak Farsi which is the same as Parsi, Persian, Dari and Tajiki. - Photown News 2010

  • Badakhshan, Parwan kapisa panjshir samangan faryab kunduz kabul ghazni bamiyan herat kandahar helmand farah nemroz ghor etc., and the people of greater khorasan speak Farsi which is the same as Parsi, Persian, Dari and Tajiki. - Photown News 2010

  • Tajikistan, Samarqand Bukhara, Balkh, Takhar, Badakhshan, Parwan kapisa panjshir samangan faryab kunduz kabul ghazni bamiyan herat kandahar helmand farah nemroz ghor etc., and the people of greater khorasan speak Farsi which is the same as Parsi, Persian, Dari and Tajiki. - Photown News 2010

  • Tajikistan, Samarqand Bukhara, Balkh, Takhar, Badakhshan, Parwan kapisa panjshir samangan faryab kunduz kabul ghazni bamiyan herat kandahar helmand farah nemroz ghor etc., and the people of greater khorasan speak Farsi which is the same as Parsi, Persian, Dari and Tajiki. - Photown News 2010

  • Tajikistan, Samarqand Bukhara, Balkh, Takhar, Badakhshan, Parwan kapisa panjshir samangan faryab kunduz kabul ghazni bamiyan herat kandahar helmand farah nemroz ghor etc., and the people of greater khorasan speak Farsi which is the same as Parsi, Persian, Dari and Tajiki. - Photown News 2010

  • Tajikistan, Samarqand Bukhara, Balkh, Takhar, Badakhshan, Parwan kapisa panjshir samangan faryab kunduz kabul ghazni bamiyan herat kandahar helmand farah nemroz ghor etc., and the people of greater khorasan speak Farsi which is the same as Parsi, Persian, Dari and Tajiki. - Photown News 2010

  • Badakhshan, Parwan kapisa panjshir samangan faryab kunduz kabul ghazni bamiyan herat kandahar helmand farah nemroz ghor etc., and the people of greater khorasan speak Farsi which is the same as Parsi, Persian, Dari and Tajiki. - Photown News 2010


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