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  • E lascsrà molto spazio a quie mayistrati protagomisti che, pur i finiee ni tv oi in prima pgaina, non si faraanno scappare l'occasione di plerseguitare il malcpitato di turno.

    Romney Breaks With Religious Right On Schiavo 2009

  • Il furbo e opportunista Kevin non si lascia scappare nessun particolare per infierire sulla pop star e strappargli la custodia dei suoi figli.

    Britney Spears: Richer Than You’d Think 2007

  • Il furbo e opportunista Kevin non si lascia scappare nessun particolare per infierire sulla pop star e strappargli la custodia dei suoi figli.

    Britney Spears: Richer Than You’d Think 2007

  • Thus the Italian _scappare_, to escape, or run away, has become _scarper_; and

    The Gypsies Charles Godfrey Leland 1863

  • It will happen many times over you to talk nonsense overhead to an enemy, to hit it, to scappare and to come ignored although you have simply svoltato a pair of angles.

    No Mutants Allowed 2009

  • a dweller in the Seven Dials has been heard to say he would "_scarper_ with the _feele_ of the _donna_ of the _cassey_;" which means, run away with the daughter of the landlady of the house, and which, as the editor of the Slang Dictionary pens, is almost pure Italian, -- _scappare colla figlia della donna_, _della casa_.

    The Gypsies Charles Godfrey Leland 1863


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