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  • That on a time the said Janet M'Birnie followed Wm. Brown, sclater, to Robert Williamson's house in Water Meetings, to crave somewhat, and fell in evil words.

    Folk Lore Superstitious Beliefs in the West of Scotland within This Century James Napier 1847

  • "Very true, my lord," replied the trusty adherent, and with ready wit instantly added, "and the lazy sclater loons have never come to put it on a 'this while, your lordship."

    The Bride of Lammermoor Walter Scott 1801

  • “Very true, my lord,” replied the trusty adherent, and with ready wit instantly added, “and the lazy sclater loons have never come to put it on a’ this while, your lordship.”

    The Bride of Lammermoor 2008


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