
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A basket for scraps, as of paper, etc.


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  • I threw the letter in the scrap-basket and an hour later fished it out.

    Short Stories of Various Types Various

  • He was twelve, healthy and intelligent -- which led directly to the evening when I sat, very cross, at my desk and fished young John's note out of the scrap-basket.

    Short Stories of Various Types Various

  • The tone was indifferent, but had she not risen quickly to shake some threads of embroidery linen into the scrap-basket beneath the library table, Octavius might have seen the quick blood mount into her cheeks, the red lips quiver.

    Flamsted quarries Mary E. Waller

  • Her own scrap-basket, for the first days, had been heaped with the fragments of the letters she had begun; and she told herself that, since they both found it so hard to write, it was probably because they had nothing left to say to each other.

    The Glimpses of the Moon 1922

  • When the first request was made, in 1902, the ruling official in Tientsin considered it so insolent that he tore up the note and threw it into the scrap-basket, disdaining a reply.

    Peking Dust Ellen Newbold La Motte 1917

  • The note Liddy had found in Gertrude's scrap-basket was from him, and it was he who had startled me into unconsciousness by the clothes chute, and, with Gertrude's help, had carried me to Louise's room.

    The Circular Staircase Mary Roberts Rinehart 1917

  • I kept figuring you coming nearer and nearer until I couldn't stand it, so I banged down my desk, told my secretary that I was going to California on the night boat and mightn't be back till evening, hung the scrap-basket on the stenographer's ear when she tried to hold me up to sign some letters, jumped out of the fifth-story window, and here I am.

    The Clarion Samuel Hopkins Adams 1914

  • Leaning over, Jones pulled, clinking from the scrap-basket, a fine steel chain.

    Average Jones Samuel Hopkins Adams 1914

  • Made adventurous by the success of the "Vagrancies," he next tried his hand at editorials on light or picturesque topics, and with satisfying though not equal results, for here he occasionally stumbled upon the hard-rooted prejudices of the Inside Office, and beheld his efforts vanish into the irreclaimable limbo of the scrap-basket.

    Success A Novel Samuel Hopkins Adams 1914

  • Hamilton had beneath his desk an odd rubber boot which served him as a scrap-basket.

    Aladdin O'Brien Gouverneur Morris 1914


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