
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A yellow crystalline substance, C10-H8O3, found in the root of the mad-dog skullcap, Scutellaria lateriflora. It melts at 199° C. and is used in cases of chorea and insomnia.
  • noun A genus of gamopetalous plants, of the order Labialæ and tribe Stachydeæ, type of the subtribe Scutella riese.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun an asterid dicot genus that includes the skullcaps


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  • I think it should be treated as a herbal therapeutic like Valerian root, or scutellaria lateriflora.

    Matthew Yglesias » Marijuana Legalization More Popular than Key Conservative Leaders 2009

  • That yellow fever was as contagious as small-pox; that skull-cap (the _scutellaria_) was a specific for hydrophobia; that Napoleon wanted the requisites of a military chieftain, were among the crotchets of his brain.

    The International Monthly Magazine - Volume V - No II Various

  • The greatest variety of opinions prevails upon the subject of cannabis and scutellaria.

    The Opium Habit Horace B. Day

  • The vast diversity of operation exhibited in different patients by the drug _scutellaria_ is still another illustration of the careful study of idiosyncrasies requisite for a successful treatment of the opium disease.

    The Opium Habit Horace B. Day

  • Very different from these powerful agents is the humble, much-neglected _scutellaria_.

    The Opium Habit Horace B. Day

  • _ -- In a few cases, early in the appearance of this affection, general nerve tonics may be of benefit, viz, iodid of iron, 1 dram; pulverized nux vomica, 1 dram; pulverized scutellaria (skull-cap), 1 ounce.

    Special Report on Diseases of the Horse Charles B. Michener 1877

  • Throughout much of his career he has been deeply involved in the research and development of crops and management of commercial farms tasked with establishing cultural practices and breeding of rice, ginseng, Job's tears, soybean and scutellaria to improve crop yield, quality and processing.

    unknown title 2011

  • scutellaria laterifolia herbal tincture, 25 to 35 g three times a day if there is shaking



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