
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Alternative spelling of seacoal.


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  • By reason of the excessive coldness of the air, hindering the ascent of the smoke, was so filled with the fuliginous steam of the sea-coal, that hardly can one see across the street, and this filling the lungs with its gross particles exceedingly obstructed the breast, so as one would scarcely breathe.

    When a Billion Chinese Jump Jonathan Watts 2010

  • By reason of the excessive coldness of the air, hindering the ascent of the smoke, was so filled with the fuliginous steam of the sea-coal, that hardly can one see across the street, and this filling the lungs with its gross particles exceedingly obstructed the breast, so as one would scarcely breathe.

    When a Billion Chinese Jump Jonathan Watts 2010

  • By reason of the excessive coldness of the air, hindering the ascent of the smoke, was so filled with the fuliginous steam of the sea-coal, that hardly can one see across the street, and this filling the lungs with its gross particles exceedingly obstructed the breast, so as one would scarcely breathe.

    When a Billion Chinese Jump Jonathan Watts 2010

  • The return of “pea-soup fogs” caused by burning “sea-coal” and wood, because electricity and natural gas are no longer avaiable.

    Cheeseburger Gothic » Pepsi Challenge. London after the Wave. 2009

  • Here you are, stirring up a business rather scandalous in itself, and fraught with mischief to all concerned — a business which might sleep for ever, if you let it alone, but which is sure, like a sea-coal fire, to burst into a flame if you go on poking it.

    Saint Ronan's Well 2008

  • One—two—three in the morning…and still we sat by the sea-coal fire and smoked…I could have written his biography at the end of the season.

    Mark Twain Ron Powers 2005

  • One—two—three in the morning…and still we sat by the sea-coal fire and smoked…I could have written his biography at the end of the season.

    Mark Twain Ron Powers 2005

  • Thou didst swear to me upon a parcel-gilt goblet, sitting in my Dolphin-chamber, at the round table, by a sea-coal fire, upon

    The second part of King Henry the Fourth 2004

  • But, Sir Spaniel, there are some stars that — ahem — stay fixed; that shine, to put it in a nutshell, never so bright as by a sea-coal fire on a brisk morning.

    Between the Acts 2004

  • British peer with his back to the sea-coal fire, and his hands in his breeches pockets — how his fine eye was lit up with anger, and his forehead gleamed with patriotism — how he stamped his foot as he thought of his heavy associates — how he all but swore as be remembered how much too clever one of them had been — my creative readers may imagine.

    Barchester Towers 2004


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