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  • Adolescens Graecus erat in Egypti coenobio qui nulla operis magnitudine, nulla persuasione flammam poterat sedare: monasterii pater hac arte servavit.

    Anatomy of Melancholy 2007

  • The English name House Leek denotes _leac_ (Anglo-Saxon) a plant growing on the house; and another appellation of its genus, sedum, comes from the Latin _sedare_, to soothe, and subdue inflammations, etc.

    Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure William Thomas Fernie

  • At G. Memmius, advocata contione, quamquam regi infesta plebes erat, et pars in vincula duci jubebat, pars, ni socios sceleris sui aperiret, more majorum de hoste supplicium sumi; dignitati quam irae magis consulens, sedare motus et animos eorum mollire, postremo confirmare, fidem publicam per sese [207] inviolatam fore.

    C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino 86 BC-34? BC Sallust

  • nam seu diuersi fremat inconstantia uulgi, 45 non alius sedare queat: seu iudicis ira sit placanda, tuis poterit mitescere uerbis. non Pylos aut Ithace tantos genuisse feruntur

    Mighty in Peace as Mighty in Arms 1912


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