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  • She also collected Sephardi folklore and composed an essay entitled “La mužer sefardi de Bosna” (The Sephardi Woman of Bosnia).

    Yugoslavia. 2009

  • Zografaki, Georgiou K. Parimies ton evraion sefardi tis Ellados (Proverbs of the Sefardic Jews of Greece), edited by Dodoni, 23 – 27.

    Salonika: Female Education at the end of the Nineteenth Century. 2009

  • Being the child of an Ashkenazi father and a Sefardi mother, it seems that the sefardi side is much more /proud/ of their “sefardi” heritage.

    The Face of Judaism in 20 Years? | Jewschool 2004

  • Whereas the gentile world has ability to cast Ashkenazim as archetypical Jewish victims, sefardi pride arises out of the attempt to distinguish between being jewish and being a victim.

    The Face of Judaism in 20 Years? | Jewschool 2004

  • Start loving one another, do not go to the path of “Sinaat Hinam”, I love you all, ashkenazi, sefardi, Yamini, all.

    The Face of Judaism in 20 Years? | Jewschool 2004

  • Not to mention sefardi judaism can play off all the exoticizing that American culture does to ethnic groups that fall outside of Europe.

    The Face of Judaism in 20 Years? | Jewschool 2004

  • Not to mention sefardi judaism can play off all the exoticizing that American culture does to ethnic groups that fall outside of Europe.

    The Face of Judaism in 20 Years? | Jewschool 2004

  • And you have not mentioned the problems that Israeli citizens living in Yehuda and shomron experience when they want to get a visa for the US (especially those who look sefardi).

    The Muqata 2010

  • Additionally, I was set up with my husband based on the fact that we are both sefardi, so sometimes the suggestions are random.

    Aish Weekly Articles 2009

  • The sefardi, while also not religious, knew what we were doing, and felt it important that he should be respectful during the services even though he was not part of them.

    Israelated - English Israel blogs 2008


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