sentimentalizer love



from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun One who sentimentalizes. Also spelled sentimentaliser.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun One who sentimentalizes.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

sentimentalize +‎ -er


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  • All the rest is at worst mere misfortune or mortality: this alone is misery, slavery, hell on earth; and the revolt against it is the only force that offers a man’s work to the poor artist, whom our personally minded rich people would so willingly employ as pandar, buffoon, beauty monger, sentimentalizer and the like.

    Epistle Dedicatory 1903

  • All the rest is at worst mere misfortune or mortality: this alone is misery, slavery, hell on earth; and the revolt against it is the only force that offers a man's work to the poor artist, whom our personally minded rich people would so willingly employ as pandar, buffoon, beauty monger, sentimentalizer and the like.

    Man and Superman George Bernard Shaw 1903

  • Venetian annals; for it is not to be expected that the less tragic fortunes of Carlo Zeno and Vittore Pisani, who may also have been imprisoned in the _pozzi_, can move the true sentimentalizer.

    Venetian Life William Dean Howells 1878

  • Willis was a kindly saunterer, the first Boston dandy, who began his literary career with grotesque propriety as a sentimentalizer of Bible stories, a performance which Lowell gayly called inspiration and water.

    Literary and Social Essays George William Curtis 1858


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