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  • Monday, September 21, 2009 at 05: 45 PM la main dans la main - holding hands le sac à main - handbag se serrer la main - to shake hands

    main - French Word-A-Day 2009

  • Expressions: faire ceinture = to have to go without se serrer la ceinture = to tighten one's belt, to go without un coup au-dessous de la ceinture = a blow below the belt

    French Word-A-Day: 2006

  • Expressions: faire ceinture = to have to go without se serrer la ceinture = to tighten one's belt, to go without un coup au-dessous de la ceinture = a blow below the belt

    ceinture - French Word-A-Day 2006

  • Expressions: faire ceinture = to have to go without se serrer la ceinture = to tighten one's belt, to go without un coup au-dessous de la ceinture = a blow below the belt

    ceinture - French Word-A-Day 2005

  • Expressions: faire ceinture = to have to go without se serrer la ceinture = to tighten one's belt, to go without un coup au-dessous de la ceinture = a blow below the belt

    French Word-A-Day: 2005

  • Expressions: faire ceinture = to have to go without se serrer la ceinture = to tighten one's belt, to go without un coup au-dessous de la ceinture = a blow below the belt

    French Word-A-Day: 2005

  • Du coup j'avais les doigts crispés, je ne pouvais ni les desserrer, ni les serrer comme ca yavé pas a s'poser de question pour savoir comment decoincer tout ca. Malaise, vomissement, cecité, corps paralysé par courbatures et crampes qui se sont mis en menage.

    pinku-tk Diary Entry pinku-tk 2006

  • Moi j'voulais lui serrer la main alors au moment ou j'me decide a tendre la main!!

    pinku-tk Diary Entry pinku-tk 2006

  • When Mr. Doucet described infielders moving to serrer les lignes de demarcation in the late innings of a close game, listeners would envision the players hugging the foul lines to guard against an extra-base hit. THE END OF BASEBALL IN FRENCH. 2005

  • Se serrer les coudes: "To press the elbows together"

    le dos - French Word-A-Day 2004


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