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  • A new genre, especially something called "shitgaze", is always going to grab the attention, but requires more to live beyond the shock moment.

    This week's new live music 2011

  • As an aesthetic club, bedroom pop could be seen as an outgrowth of, or at least born from the same circumstances as "shitgaze," the movement involving intentionally blown-out/sandblasted/tape-hissed recordings of sharp pop-punk songs that captured the hearts of electro-tired music bloggers over the past few years.

    Baltimore City Paper 2010

  • Or otherwise it's a pretty high quality pisstake (and consider that this is part of the no-fi or 'shitgaze' movement … yeah, cool) … Apparently highly popular in New York where Mr. Dog, it's one man behind the band, is based - and there's some link to Crystal Stilts.

    The Cedar Lounge Revolution 2009

  • The best part, I think, is the Horseshit's take on the current trend of lo-fi recording, and a tirade on the whole "shitgaze" scene (a term which, Enbom points out, the interviewee Matt Whitehurst himself coined).

    Portland Mercury 2009

  • Fantastic Brooklyn transplants and "shitgaze" provocateurs,

    Home | The New York Observer 2008

  • Fantastic Brooklyn transplants and "shitgaze" provocateurs,

    Home | The New York Observer 2008

  • While snobs argue about the differences between lo-fi, shitgaze and post-whatever, these musical veterans bust out a combination of B-movie sleaze, sexploitation and prog that can awe the most jaded hipster.

    Latest stories 2010

  • Of all the embarrassingly named subgenres born over the past ten years-chillwave, hipster-hop, UK funky, shitgaze-my favorite is dubstep.

    Chicago Reader 2010

  • Or Goat by the Jesus Lizard, whose unhinged legacy echoes still today in the shitgaze aesthetics of Times New Viking, or the brutal guitar onslaught of, say, Boris.

    PopMatters 2010

  • King of the Beach a few weeks ago, I think it bears repeating here: what's so immediately gratifying about shitgaze is what ultimately undermines its attempts to resonate any more deeply-taking simplistic pop music and submerging it in distortion is a pretty cheap trick, and it's not substantial enough a gimmick to compensate for the vacuousness its used to obscure. 2010


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