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  • And just how much more are they willing to push to find out? www. fladdap. com

    Richard Zombeck: Bloody Peasants 2010

  • And just how much more are they willing to push to find out? www. fladdap. com

    Bloody Peasants 2010

  • And although oceans and even the most basic human rights may separate these two great peoples, we are ALL bound together by the vibrant spirit of competition and grotesque displays of boundless, unapologetic shitheadery.

    Ryan Reynolds: Competitive Eating 2008

  • You'll probably recognize your own experiences as you read their article, and learn a little about why being a In addition to being bombarded with complaints all day, your call center employee is also bombarded on all sides by the kind of corporate shitheadery many of us are sadly familiar with.

    Consumerist 2009


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