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  • La sintaxis de uso es la siguiente: "python"

    Planeta Linux México 2010

  • I have tryed many sintaxis forms, like using with and without parentheses, using the methods over the resulset, and either using the resultset as a parameter, without results.

    unknown title 2009

  • Aquí os traigo unos cuantos de comandos que nos ayudarán a conocer algo más a fondo nuestro equipo así como algunas utilidades, la sintaxis es la siguiente: $ mandato y debajo respuesta del sistema.

    Blumex 2008

  • I downloaded ADO. ahk and CoHelper. ahk and get this thing work, but since I don´t really understand all these new command and sintaxis (thanks god that I could understand some ahk commands), I don´t know how to take only the part to getting individuals cells from excel file out from this script because maybe I would delete lines that are necessary.

    AutoHotkey Community 2008

  • I downloaded ADO. ahk and CoHelper. ahk and get this thing work, but since I don´t really understand all these new command and sintaxis (thanks god that I could understand some ahk commands), I don´t know how to take only the part to getting individuals cells from excel file out from this script because maybe I would delete lines that are necessary.

    AutoHotkey Community 2008

  • … lo que descubrió una reveladora foto de Correo, sus limitaciones en cuanto a ortografía y sintaxis dejan mucho que desear.

    Ridiculing Peruvian Quechua-Speakers in El Correo » Sociological Images 2009


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