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  • Knowing that the land of "Petticoat Junction" doesn't exist and that slow-movin 'Uncle Joe is a fictional creation doesn't mean I can't enjoy the peppy tune.

    Eric Williams: The War on Christmas in July 2008

  • It's 5:15 am and my stomach is all sick and queasy and I haven't had any sleep and I think I'm having a baby, in a laid-back slow-movin' never-gonna-happen kind of way.

    Well, is it or isn't it? ailbhe 2004

  • You city people call us slow-movin 'up hyeh, an' as long as thar's any o 'the ol' spirit abroad thar's a chance o 'trouble.

    The Boy With the U.S. Census Francis Rolt-Wheeler 1918

  • One of these slow-movin ', heavy-lidded, double-chinned old pelicans who never mention any sum less than seven figures.

    Torchy As A Pa Sewell Ford 1907


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