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  • La banda ha ofrecido varios conciertos "sorpresa" en Canadá, donde han

    Hot Artists at 2010

  • Menuda sorpresa me das -- what a surprise (often said with sarcasm or when startled). menudo -- small, as in ganado menudo, which would be lambs if you're talking about sheep, calves if you're talking about cows, etc. MitchMan

    Menudo or Pozole? 2009

  • Darell el alternativismo de la realidad impresa bajo tonadas e imagenes elocuentes casi tactiles cien porciento volatiles bajo tambien la sorpresa de hombres dominados por su instinto controlado por maquinas para que al final sea el mismo hombre quien se destruya asi mismo bajo la vision de sus propios miedos y fracasos para quedar absolutamente solo aunque este este rodeado de los mismos seres inertes y ya sin corazon ….

    Splitting The Atom film by Edouard Salier « Massive Attack Blog 2010

  • Menuda sorpresa me das -- what a surprise (often said with sarcasm or when startled). menudo -- small, as in ganado menudo, which would be lambs if you're talking about sheep, calves if you're talking about cows, etc. MitchMan

    Menudo or Pozole? 2009

  • Menuda sorpresa me das -- what a surprise (often said with sarcasm or when startled). menudo -- small, as in ganado menudo, which would be lambs if you're talking about sheep, calves if you're talking about cows, etc. MitchMan

    Menudo or Pozole? 2009

  • Menuda sorpresa me das -- what a surprise (often said with sarcasm or when startled). menudo -- small, as in ganado menudo, which would be lambs if you're talking about sheep, calves if you're talking about cows, etc. MitchMan

    Menudo or Pozole? 2009

  • Menuda sorpresa me das -- what a surprise (often said with sarcasm or when startled). menudo -- small, as in ganado menudo, which would be lambs if you're talking about sheep, calves if you're talking about cows, etc. MitchMan

    Menudo or Pozole? 2009

  • Menuda sorpresa me das -- what a surprise (often said with sarcasm or when startled). menudo -- small, as in ganado menudo, which would be lambs if you're talking about sheep, calves if you're talking about cows, etc. MitchMan

    Menudo or Pozole? 2009

  • Menuda sorpresa me das -- what a surprise (often said with sarcasm or when startled). menudo -- small, as in ganado menudo, which would be lambs if you're talking about sheep, calves if you're talking about cows, etc. MitchMan

    Menudo or Pozole? 2009

  • Menuda sorpresa me das -- what a surprise (often said with sarcasm or when startled). menudo -- small, as in ganado menudo, which would be lambs if you're talking about sheep, calves if you're talking about cows, etc. MitchMan

    Menudo or Pozole? 2009


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