from The Century Dictionary.
- In old English law, such as is leviable: said of a sheriff's return.
from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.
- verb obsolete To sound.
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Beanes, or Pease: but in my conceit, an equall mixture of them is the best séede of all, for if the one faile, the other will be sure to hit: and when your land is sowne you shall harrow it with a harrow that hath woodden téeth.
Now the reason for this manner of plowing your Pease-earth, is, because it is a light kinde of breaking earth, so that should it be sowne according to the stiffe blacke clay, it would neuer couer your
As soone as you haue sowne your Wheate, Rye, and Maslin, you shall then about the latter end of October, beginne to Winter ridge, or set vp your land for the whole yéere: which you shall doe in all points, as you doe vpon the blacke clay, without any change or alteration.
After your Barley is sowne, you shall about the latter end of Aprill beginne to smooth and sleight your land, both with the backe Harrowes and with the rouler, and looke what clots they faile to breake, you shall with clotting beetles beate them asunder, making your mould as fine and laying your land as smooth as is possible.
Barley field, it is seldome in vse, because the finenesse of the sand will lay the land smooth inough without sleighting: yet if you finde that any particular land lieth more rough then the rest, it shall not be amisse, if with your backe Harrowes you smooth it a little within a day or two after it is sowne.
Now for fitting of seuerall séedes to seuerall soyles, you shall obserue, that the best séede-Barly for your clay field, is ninam Barly, sowne vpon the clay field, that is to say, Barly which is sowne where
And whan he behelde syr Launcelot's vysage, he felle donne in a sowne.
A History of English Prose Fiction Bayard Tuckerman
And hauing made an ende of this exclamation with her armes a crosse, shee remained as in a sowne with out mouing either hande or foote.
The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1 William Painter
And herein by the way you shall vnderstand that some trées are more fit to be set then to be sowne, as namely, the Seruice-trée, the Medler, the Filbert and such like.
And as soone as you haue sowne your Barley, you shall take a payre of woodden Harrowes, and harrow it as small as is possible: and this is called sowing aboue furrow.
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