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  • If we could only shift maybe 10% of this black market back into the regular economy, the state's finances would be greatly improved [würden sprudeln].

    Q&A With FDP Leader Guido Westerwelle 2009

  • English German French Spanish Italian rumble rumpeln gronder retumbar rimbombare sizzle zischen siller sisear friggere sniff schnuppern reniffler husmear fiutare clang klirren résonner resonar squillare bubble sprudeln bouillonner burbujear bollire spurt spritzen jaillir surgir spruzzare swish sausen cingler silbar sferzare buzz summen vrombir zumbar ronzare rustle rascheln froufrouter crujir frusciare shrick kreischen hurler chillar strillare snore schnarchen ronfler roncar russare splash planschen éclabousser salpicar schizzare How can one account for such wide discrepancies?

    VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol III No 1 1976


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