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  • Just how robust is the distinction between statistical discrimination - generalizing from personal experience to form stereotyp...

    Crashing Into Stereotypes, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty 2009

  • As to the obscurity of Brentano's work, one sentence (p. 116) is significant: "_Godwi_ spukt heutzutage nur mehr in den Köpfen der liberalen Literaturgeschichtsschreiber, denen er einen willkommenen Vorwand an die Hand gibt, mit einigen stereotyp abgeschriebenen Phrasen den Stab über den phantastischen, verschwommenen, unsittlichen u.s.w., u.s.w. Dichter zu brechen."

    Graf von Loeben and the Legend of Lorelei Allen Wilson Porterfield

  • Kedysi platil stereotyp, ze piloti boli muzi a letusky boli zeny. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at 2010

  • A couple of blocks away, Salem Witch Museum studies witches and witchcraft in general, and the 1692 trials in particu - lar, with a thoughtful focus on stereotyp - ing and recurring historic patterns of fear - mongering and scapegoating (remember high school, anyone?).

    Recently Uploaded Slideshows 2009


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